Compost and Fertilizers
Emissions in the atmosphere and in working environments
Oil & Fuels
Eco-toxicological tests
Materials and Objects intended for contact with food (MOCA)
Test for verifying the conformity of surgical masks according to the UNI 14683:2019 standard and in particular:
- Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE)
- Breathability check of the differential pressure
- Microbia8l cleaning BIOBURDEN
- Spray resistance performed in external service
The Research and Development activity also allows us to study countless requests on various types of products and product classes such as toys or cosmetics. In fact, OSI S.r.l., thanks to a dense network of partner laboratories specialized in various sectors, is able to provide answers quickly and with high data reliability. Over time, this has made it possible to develop a global analytical service not only for chemical and microbiological tests but also for physical and mechanical tests, often essential to comply with the specific standards for product certification.
Execution of environmental characterization plans understood as “the set of activities that allow the reconstruction of the contamination phenomena affecting the environmental matrices, in order to obtain the basic information on which to make achievable and sustainable decisions for the safety and/or site recovery”. Starting from the collection of historical site data, the preliminary conceptual model and preparation of the environmental research plan is being developed in conjunction with the competent authorities, containing the location of the sampling points and the analytical parameters to be researched. If it is certified that the CTC (Contamination Threshold Concentration) has been exceeded, the specific site Risk Analysis is carried out.
This procedure makes it possible to quantify the RTC (Risk Threshold Concentrations) and represents a fundamental step in order to best calibrate and define the recovery procedures and objectives.
With the help of expert geologists and leading companies in the geotechnical sector, ad hoc sampling plans are developed, using the best drilling technologies for coring and installing piezometric wells. Phase sheets are functional for the collection of samples and allow the retrieval of information useful for the preparation of the geological report, such as the elaboration of the stratigraphic analysis or the identification of the groundwater flow. To evaluate the presence of contaminants, metal drums or foreign bodies in the subsoil, non-invasive geophysical techniques can be used, such as electrical tomography or ground penetrating radar.
Before acquiring an industrial site, a production plant or land. it is appropriate to identify and quantify any environmental liabilities that could inevitably influence the apparent market value. To this end, OSI, thanks to the experience gained in the field of characterization and remediation, has drawn up (in compliance with sector standards) its own procedure which guarantees high reliability of the final data.
If the presence of contamination on a site is detected from the characterization phase, it is necessary to intervene with “the execution of environmental reclamation and restoration, safety measures (emergency, operational or permanent)”. The proposed applications take into account the use of the best available technologies (BAT – Best Available Technologies) by applying solutions that are at the same time economically sustainable, proposing on-site remedies or off-site operations.
OSI is registered in Category 9 of the Register of Environmental Managers “Site remediation”
OSI offers consolidated experience in the planning and construction of technological industrial process plants in the chemical, environmental and energy sectors.
It provides engineering services, in particular on technical process studies aimed at optimization:
The company also ensures basic and detailed engineering studies by planning and building: